Welcome to Harbour Waterway Special District (HWSD)


The HWSD is a Special Dependent District created by the City Council of Jacksonville, Florida on October 12, 2010.  The district consists of the properties and easements associated with a canal system that is common to four independent neighborhoods in the Fort Caroline area.


The express duties of the District are to maintain the Navigability of our Canal System, to manage our spoil site on Reed Island, and to administer the regulations for the waterway. The district was created to guaranty the routine dredging of the waterway, through the collection of non-ad valorem assessments. 




The 2024 Maintenance Dredge is scheduled to complete no later than August 31, 2024.  Dredging will occur from the Powerlines to the first turn in the canal (the "Tee") to remove up to 40,000 cubic yards of material that has silted into the canal since our last dredging project completed in January, 2020.  





The Marina is undergoing a renovation and will be closed until approximately August 15, 2024.  HWSD is replacing all of the fixed docks and the bulkhead.  We are also extending the Boat Ramp to allow launching your boat at low tide.



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